What will happen?
absorbed and the image of the Dove and Hawk gave me joy. Went back long before me. Restoring the called conscience, decubrà that the train had come a long stretch and approached the city of Desitin. To see that city in the distance was stunned ...
only poked skyline from a gray mist made by smog. The words escaped me, the thoughts are hid, only a sensation was present but did not know his name.
Upon entering the city discovered that all had a different color, could see a light smoke to where to look, all the air was filled of that gray screen and no one seemed to notice, not because they did not know it was there, but because they got used to not see past the smog, to see everything with faded colors. The normal with which the inhabitants were developing was disturbing. Then something exploded and I saw this:
"Everything flows with statice,
or inertia rules
magnet in which a proud man outside his essence remains scattered
natural ties
turning their misunderstanding dying
lacking a sense or a death ride.
An energetic stagnation, stagnation leads to physical,
an arrogant idea, install truths
disintegrating and power, becomes a human word, character
authoritarian ruler, selfish.
Rather then give up all desire for power, all longing to structure
knowledge, or to create thoughts
prefer the air flow smoothly, and commune with the water;
stop pretending that I have more of what I am
or that a synapses bad I crown. I
this: flesh dissolved in the whole,
desire to sustain life;
then live with the air, his last moments. "
After this flow out of me as spiritual possession, everything was its course.
I decided melt in the air, and bring with me some of that gray layer well to remember that my responsibility is the air and on the air I am.
I left the city on foot, blending into the vegetation.
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