water suddenly fell from the sky, but not some form of precipitation, but was deposited by immersing all in an ocean of splendor.
I decided to go for a swim, then left the comfort of my home and went looking for something that was calling me. I swam for more memory and forgetfulness transcendental to feel that it should stop. When I finally did, I was spreading like moss on a makeshift seat. I took off my wetsuit and I undressed orchestrated flows and ice, then pulled my trap a pocket of memories. We started playing we were getting pretty well capture some of those unattainable, of those moments that pass so very well that no memory clear. E
improvise, and I and several other creatures dance begin to dance like the mud.
"I have seen the dances of the Trees
and complexity of the language of whispers stomach
grew at an infinite time to produce the vital vertigo,
abrsorví me, to my solution in water,
quit government and I went to shake hands,
guessed my sorrows from the opposite of its inertia, electively
and positive results.
wander in the abstraction of my visions
as never before had seen the light.
Now I, but positive;
with my colors, tones and asymmetries
unconcerned with the destination, the confidence
hoping to finally be animal.
I thought I die, but it never happens;
and every time I feel it grow plants in my chest. I
large drives, so frequent
I started to believe I'm living longer lives than the rest.
I have a rush to get, and never
I know where. That makes me deeply happy. "
exhilarated us a delicious dialogue.
Today I had one of the best conversations of my life, and I've been alone all day.
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