Despite my blindness ... Te Veo.
walked so long that I got lost from my sight. In the place where he was, he could not see more than nebulae. Everything so far so out of focus. I tried to turn my eyes and for a moment a silhouette next to me spoke sombĂa. A friendly man told stories he knew and did not know what to say. I went back and squinting at my new silhouette. This time it was a silhouette of light, a negative, beyond my ability to observe, the light blinding my eyes veiled.
Time is encapsulated, and my blindness only allowed me to see the light.
I was alone with my thoughts, my fear and my desire. And there was nothing but silence from my consciousness and light. Suddenly the light began to move with the graceful subtlety of feeling known. When my unconsciousness sensed his movement, I felt drained and adrenaline, in free fall. And I emptied. Absorbed violently while I was absorbed by the whole. Thus, without realizing it was revealed to me the Absolute.
When I felt that I understood, I rose to the top of the shadows and I rushed to the light beam that somatize their movements.
and faces a trial without words, a presentation without protocols, and a Naked animal.
the rhythm of my hunches flashes were born in another body responding. These crashes untamed
created so much beauty that destroyed the entire mass.
"I do not understand what happens to my eyes when I watch your water,
and do not know why the resolve to dissolve and beyond its merits,
not understand why even though I do not die from drowning, despite not
die, reborn.
I've noticed how the music changes in the chance encounters,
without knowing why, having much to say, correct my language is forcing me to shut
semi silent words.
know, however, clearly other things, as I use apostrophes
in life
to sync my sincerity to willing ears;
like I just got the good humor of natures
and that I have to love my work to the hungry mouths.
I also know that I am only looking backgrounds,
and to grab my hands nuclei
roots look into my eyes and
understand that despite my blindness,
'm the only one able to see what is really at the center of his life. "
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