Can you imagine a public transport, sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost zero euros in addition to users from the sun? It is possible, we give the details of the proposal, a real proposal, fully executable.

The proposal considers two fundamental aspects: 1. Conducting an Energy Audit and Sustainability designed to achieve maximum efficiency in the use of energy resources and facilities 2. The installation of photovoltaic modules on rooftops and parking exchanger Santa Cruz de Tenerife, which would lead to a combined floor space of about 18,000 m2, which translates into an installed capacity of close to 1,600 kW. To understand, we are talking about a surface the size of two football fields and a power output sufficient to power 1,200 homes. The tram power move, you could even get to talk about a "self-mobility" and completely clean.

This infrastructure would become the largest urban photovoltaic plant in the Canary Islands, and also have the added advantage of generating shadow on the buses and waiting areas. Additionally, the plant will reduce 15,000 tons of CO2 (equivalent to removing 4,500 cars from the roads), and secondly because of the special arrangements of such facilities would be extra revenue for public transport company, about 10 million euros (equivalent to 400,000 free trips per year).
That is the proposal.
Editorial: entornosantacruz
and engineering study: David Garcia Rodriguez
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