Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Indian Marriage Cards Mississauga

Normal Before leaving I received the instructions of the owner of the hostel where I stayed to get to a sacred grove which is not visited by anyone in centuries.
I left the village grateful.
After traveling for two weeks arrived at the foot of a mountain to reach the forest must pass through, or embroidering or climbing, I decided to climb. The mountain was not very tall but was a major constraint for the slopes and rocks, which are mostly kept moist by the action of water running down underground channels. As he climbed the view of the valley was beautiful and the wind was rushing more carefully. In the distance he could still distinguish the point that it was normal. It took me three days to get to see in the distance what looked like the summit. The yearning to finally reach the top after the long travel time gave my muscles a special force, which helped me quickly llear the summit. Upon arrival I was stunned.
not remember having witnessed a performance like that. Not a chance I could ever imagine, perhaps because it is sacred.
At the top of the mountain, I discovered that this did not come back down to another valley as it thought, but from the very top was born a plain on which sat the forest. It was an endless forest, each space was covered with drops of water, and gentle sunlight passing through drops clearing filling each with a small rainbow. The sound of the forest was deafening, I soon recognized that it was just noise, but it was music composed by nature, every song of birds, the wind playing in the hollow trunks and rotting, insects and animals in symphony, all in a single expression retained there by the wind would not let the sound escape down.
I knew the place was too natural for me, so before going down the mountain threw all my belongings, leaving me naked in a stream of air leads back to my normal clothes. I returned my gaze to the forest and walked briskly. The feeling on my skin was sublime and terrifying, and my skin was clear from my muscles in contact with water drops, the wind cut my breath, insects around me and followed me, the earth burning my flesh. I soon started losing myself shouting and running in the forest, I stopped when I noticed that my foot bones were just a bit of muscles and nerves. I fell down crying as the scorched earth that was left of my body. Then I heard the voice of the forest that was introduced to the strength in my mind, his order was clear. "Surrender."
mustered all the energy he had left and got my body crossing my legs sit bones. Then the real show began.
I felt like my body could, I saw how my skin was falling and quickly crumbled to the ground, the forest animals came to me and ate my remains, some bones separated and took them gnawing, some insects spawned me, and their offspring were born at once feeding on my internal organs. And I saw and the places where parts of my body fell and were not utilized by animals, instantly grew a sapling tree. Yet all the creatures that my suffering was worth a small malformation. My death was a wonderful show. I spent part of the forest, each of the animals and their offspring. the bosuqe endorsed me. But still my soul Why on site? Why was feeling?
I spent the night like a lost soul looking at the foundation of my body so diluted in life.
did not know how long it actually happened, not perception existed in the dimension of time where I was. I just know that I witnessed a third wonder, the dawn.
soon the sun began to touch the forest, it began to react to stimulus, the water evaporated, the flowers opened, went to live animals. Without perceiving I saw a beam of light coming directly where he was the last piece of my body, my skull.
The beam was kept in the same place, and suddenly appeared an insect which landed on my skull. The trees began to dance, singing animals, leaves flying. He was then nature. Each species that took a part of me again to surrender a part of it, in the proportion that had served me. I saw insects shed one of its legs, trees provide the bark, giving away their fur wild beasts. Then the sun came in stronger than before about the offerings of the forest, fell upon them the water that accumulated on a leaf, made its mineral land, and wind mix the ingredients.
Every piece of my body began to regenerate, and the feeling was the opposite of pain, returned to replenish my body completely, but my soul still was not there. Needed something. The insect was sitting on my head now integrates fully stretched over it, lifted a sting in its tail and plunged it into his back giving death. The lifeless body of the insect landed on my bare feet, shocking my body, giving the first breath of life.
I returned to my body and everything was different. All new, all dissolved in me and I dissolved in it.
was clean, the forest was cleared and accepted me my tumors as his own, I turn, I served to perpetuate itself.
I felt it was not yet time to leave this sacred place, so I stayed.


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