Saturday, August 29, 2009

Can I Take Oral Gel When Pregnant

I realized how naive I am and I live in a long poem of love, not romantic.

I know I am pure feelings, I do not like the perfect, I love more than you love me without that interested me most times, I always want, but I can not always, is that I have an ocean evaporation of tears because of consolation failed. I know that term

closing my mouth, pursing her lips and smile lebe esbozanso a wink while wiping the tears from his eyes as fully inhale and then exhale in one breath.

I know I'm comfortable with the freedom and solitude of my thoughts, and I freeze días en los que la soledad se escapa de mis pensamientos y se hace real.

Y sé que así sigo, soriendo melancólico como recordando el tiempo en que existió alguien con la capacidad de afrontar su realidad como yo. Sonrío y pienso en el silencio de mi abstracción, pienso en los colores, en las plantas, en los niños, en los animales, pienso en el pensamiento, y en el enlace infinito; pienso y sonrío, siempre sintiéndome solo.

Pero respiro a fondo, como inhalando música y vuelvo en mi. Vuelvo a la poesía haciéndose vida y al amor sin nombre para seres sin nombre. Vuelvo entre el sueño, la semiconciencia, la creencia de lo real y la intención de lo que debería...

be back to love, then that exceeded the threshold of pain back to love, because despite not understanding it KNOW that's why I came.

And for that I am.

By Nacho Epuñan

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Brazzilian Wax Include

Be Releasing the finger ... Only when you pass

... This is just an exercise to loosen the fingers ... so do not expect anything.

Today I left my house and decided I would look into the eyes of the people that I cross the road. Vi

ends sympathy and empathy beyond expectations;
saw the lack of treatment pleasure, and interest in unnecessary selfishness;
Vi desire and doubt, momentum and libido; vi stalking and prudence which granted;
fully Vi and despair, a constant question and a search for how to proceed;
saw a set of bindings and smiles, chills and fears innocent.

So I came out of the mirror, his body tired, dark circles characteristic depth of my pale face, with bright brown eyes and a sense of belonging today to the lives of those who looked into his eyes. Resignation

Friday, August 14, 2009

How Do You Save On Pokemon Yellow Ipod

A video more of our fellow Bajoningunacircunstancia. In this case our friends defy the law of gravity to try to jump a taxi in the middle of Barcelona.

hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Phlegm On 6 Week Baby

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES is exceeded again. Zinkin

Our friend has a gift. Manage your breasts as anyone. 100% control of her breasts to the rhythm of music.


tits dancing by

Friday, August 7, 2009

How Do You Save On Pokemon Emulator

One of our unconscious has decided to provide all users of this blog an advanced course INTERACTIVE 3 languages \u200b\u200bin 42 words.

just have to see it to know it's worth!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Where Sells Jessica Simpson Clothes

already have our first experiment UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
This is the first of many, if you have interesting ideas on experiments that do not you dare try at home, Hang on the blog and we'll do it for you.