Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How To Sew Salwar Suit

, unlucky!

A day
that this stupid heart,
that still beats
within my heart,
is turn around
and, stopping suddenly,
tell me, without any compassion
and looking in the eye
"So far we have come!"

and will then
when will have nothing to reproach
or perhaps
value armándome
be able to tell,
for the first time in life,
and amid a roar of laughter:
"I hope you rot, unlucky!".

For what I say does not happen in the last verse, years ago I became an organ donor, is precisely why I do not want to end up rotting away into nothingness, or perhaps turned into ashes just something so valuable it can save the lives of people who need it more than I did at that time.

leave the following link in case someone wants to express its willingness to donors asking the National Transplant Organization its "donor card." / info / pages / TarjetadeDonante.aspx

is a private document that does not require anything, just to have it and notify their families so they know their will, that card is not registered in any organization or hospital, or any donor registry, or anything similar, and if someone wants to recant after obtaining just destroy it and notify their families.

According legislation are the families who have to authorize the donation of organs as much as life has said in the patient died (as seen, once dead and we have no right or even the use of kicking).

After writing this post, checking the Internet I see that under English law all are, in theory, donors, since it explains the law, unless reduced to writing and signed opposition to organ donation by patient's own, but here is the opposite of what the law says, that is, never remove organs unless the family gives permission.

law Link:
Law 30/1979, of 27 October on extraction and transplantation organs.

Article 5.
1. The removal of organs or other anatomical parts may be dead after verification of death. When such verification is based on the availability of data of irreversibility of brain damage and, therefore, incompatible with life, the death certificate is signed by three doctors, among which shall include a neurologist or neurosurgeon and the head of service for the medical unit, or his substitute, none of these physicians may be part of the equipment to proceed with obtaining the body to perform the transplant.

2. The removal of organs or other anatomical parts may be dead for therapeutic or scientific purposes, in case they had not gone on record expressing its opposition.

3. Presumably healthy people who died in accidents or as a further consequence of this will be considered also as a donor, unless the deceased has expressed opposition. For these purposes must contain the authorization of the court at which the knowledge of the cause, which must be granted in those cases where no harvesting of organs would obstruct the investigation process to appear duly justified causes of death.


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